
declare global namespace object for Fusion library to use

declare global namespace object for Fusion library to use
A set of utility classes that provide common tools for applications
A set of classes that implement the functionlity required for applications
A class to provide for event handling at application runtime
A set of classes to provide core funtionality
A set of classes that implement layer functionality for various server technologies.
Application scope constants
Initialize the Fusion application.
set the current initialization state of the application.
load any scripts that have been queued for loading.
Insert a new script into the loading queue.
Called when a script fails to load for some reason.
a script has loaded.
check if scripts have loaded.
asynchronously load the application definition through the broker and config manager.
the server has returned the application configuration file that contains enough information to bootstrap the application.
the server has returned the application configuration file that contains enough information to bootstrap the application.
the application failed to load the application configuration file.
convenience function to issue an XmlHttpRequest to the server relative to the Fusion installation.
trap exceptions produced in handling an ajax response.
Optionally convert XML to JSON using a server-side script for requests that aren’t available in JSON.
return a map widget with the given name
return a map widget that is associated with the given dom element by id.
return the map widget at the given index
return a reference to a widget by the id of the DOM Element that it was created in.
returns the applicaiton’s absolute URL minus the filename.html part
{String} Relative path of this script.
Return the path to this script.

Fusion. Tools

A set of utility classes that provide common tools for applications

Fusion. Widget

A set of classes that implement the functionlity required for applications

Fusion. Event

A class to provide for event handling at application runtime


A set of classes to provide core funtionality


A set of classes that implement layer functionality for various server technologies.

Fusion. Constant

Application scope constants

Initialize the Fusion application.
set the current initialization state of the application.
load any scripts that have been queued for loading.
Insert a new script into the loading queue.
Called when a script fails to load for some reason.
a script has loaded.
check if scripts have loaded.
asynchronously load the application definition through the broker and config manager.
the server has returned the application configuration file that contains enough information to bootstrap the application.
the server has returned the application configuration file that contains enough information to bootstrap the application.
the application failed to load the application configuration file.
convenience function to issue an XmlHttpRequest to the server relative to the Fusion installation.
trap exceptions produced in handling an ajax response.
Optionally convert XML to JSON using a server-side script for requests that aren’t available in JSON.
return a map widget with the given name
return a map widget that is associated with the given dom element by id.
return the map widget at the given index
return a reference to a widget by the id of the DOM Element that it was created in.
returns the applicaiton’s absolute URL minus the filename.html part
{String} Relative path of this script.
Return the path to this script.

Functions and Properties


initialize : function(options)

Initialize the Fusion application.

@param {Object} options

Optional paramters that can be passed to initialize are

{String} applicationDefinitiona URL or resource ID for an ApplicationDefinition file
{String} sessionIda session id to start the application with.  Normally, applications are started without a session id and create one.  However, sometimes it is desirable to use an existing session.


setLoadState: function(state)

set the current initialization state of the application.  Depending on the state, this will cause various scripts to be loaded.

Parameter {Integer} state

the new loading state


loadQueuedScripts: function()

load any scripts that have been queued for loading.  As the scripts load, they are removed.  When all queued scripts have been loaded, the load state is advanced.  If any of the loaded scripts require other scripts (for inheritance), they will be queued and loaded before the load state is advanced.


queueScript : function(url)

Insert a new script into the loading queue.  The URL should be relative to the Fusion base url.  The script will not actually be loaded until loadQueuedScripts is called.

Parameter: {String} url

The url of the script.


scriptFailed: function(url)

Called when a script fails to load for some reason.

Parameter: url

{String} the url that failed to load

TODO: the application probably won’t work if a script fails to load so we need to decide how to inform the user and fail gracefully.


scriptLoaded: function(url)

a script has loaded.  It is removed from the various tracking arrays.  When all requested scripts have been loaded, we check to see if any scripts where required by the ones just loaded.  If yes, then we loadQueuedScripts again, otherwise we advance the load state.

Parameter: url

{String} the url of the script that was loaded.


checkLoadingScripts: function()

check if scripts have loaded.  In IE, scripts don’t seem to fire the onload event.  Safari also seems to have some problems.


loadConfig : function()

asynchronously load the application definition through the broker and config manager.


getConfigCB : function(r)

the server has returned the application configuration file that contains enough information to bootstrap the application.

Parameter {Object} r an XMLHttpRequest object


serverSet : function()

the server has returned the application configuration file that contains enough information to bootstrap the application.

Parameter {Object} r an XMLHttpRequest object


serverFailed: function(r)

the application failed to load the application configuration file.  Not much point in continuing, but we can inform the user why this happened.

Parameter: {Object} r

the XMLHttpRequest object

TODO: do something more useful in here?


ajaxRequest: function(scriptURL,

convenience function to issue an XmlHttpRequest to the server relative to the Fusion installation.

Parameter: {String} scriptURL

the URL (relative to Fusion) to request

Parameter: {Object} options

optional parameters to send with the request, passed directly to Prototype’s Ajax.Request function


ajaxException: function(r,

trap exceptions produced in handling an ajax response.

Parameter: {XmlHttpRequest} r

Parameter: {Exception} e


Optionally convert XML to JSON using a server-side script for requests that aren’t available in JSON.

Parameter: {XmlHttpRequest} r

the XmlHttpRequest object

Parameter: json

boolean indicator if the content is JSON or not.

Parameter: callback

callback method to be executed on success and will be passed a parsed json object


getMapByName : function(name)

return a map widget with the given name

Parameter: {String} name

The map name to return

Returns: {Object} a map object or null if not found.


getMapById : function(id)

return a map widget that is associated with the given dom element by id.

Parameter: {String} id

The map id to return

Returns: {Object} a map object or null if not found.


getMapByIndice : function(indice)

return the map widget at the given index

Parameter: {String} indice

The map indice to return

Returns: {Object} a map object or null if not found.


getWidgetById: function(id)

return a reference to a widget by the id of the DOM Element that it was created in.

Parameter: {String} id

the DOM id to get the widget for

Returns: {Fusion.Widget} the widget or null


getApplicationURL: function()

returns the applicaiton’s absolute URL minus the filename.html part


{String} Relative path of this script.


_getScriptLocation: function ()

Return the path to this script.


{String} Path to this script

initialize : function(options)
Initialize the Fusion application.
setLoadState: function(state)
set the current initialization state of the application.
loadQueuedScripts: function()
load any scripts that have been queued for loading.
queueScript : function(url)
Insert a new script into the loading queue.
scriptFailed: function(url)
Called when a script fails to load for some reason.
scriptLoaded: function(url)
a script has loaded.
checkLoadingScripts: function()
check if scripts have loaded.
loadConfig : function()
asynchronously load the application definition through the broker and config manager.
getConfigCB : function(r)
the server has returned the application configuration file that contains enough information to bootstrap the application.
serverSet : function()
the server has returned the application configuration file that contains enough information to bootstrap the application.
serverFailed: function(r)
the application failed to load the application configuration file.
ajaxRequest: function(scriptURL,
convenience function to issue an XmlHttpRequest to the server relative to the Fusion installation.
ajaxException: function(r,
trap exceptions produced in handling an ajax response.
getMapByName : function(name)
return a map widget with the given name
getMapById : function(id)
return a map widget that is associated with the given dom element by id.
getMapByIndice : function(indice)
return the map widget at the given index
getWidgetById: function(id)
return a reference to a widget by the id of the DOM Element that it was created in.
getApplicationURL: function()
returns the applicaiton’s absolute URL minus the filename.html part
_getScriptLocation: function ()
Return the path to this script.
A set of classes that implement the functionlity required for applications