Fusion. Widget. CursorPosition

Displays the geographic position of the cursor when it is over the map.

Precision (integer, optional)

The number of digits to round the output to.  The geographic location is calculated with arbitrary precision and is often not necessary.  A value of less than 0 means no rounding (the default if parameter is missing).

Template (string, optional)

The format of the output string.  Use {x} and {y} as placeholders for the x and y location.  The default template is:

x: {x}, y: {y}

You can embed HTML in the template, but you must escape any characters that result in illegal HTML.  This would include:

< is &lt;

is &gt;

& is &amp;

So a two-line display would be

x: {x}&lt;br/&gt;y: {y}