$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 _addButton, OpenLayers. Control. PanZoom
 _complete, OpenLayers. Ajax. Request
 _getNodes, Util
 _removeElementObservers, OpenLayers. Event
 {Array}searchCategories, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 {Array}searchDefinitions, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 {HTMLElement}blanket, Jx. Dialog
 {HTMLElement}domObj, Jx. ColorPalette
 {Object}domObj, Jx. Addable
 {Object}oBroker, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 {String}baseURL, Jx
 About, Fusion. Widget. About
 accumulateSelection, Fusion. Widget.Map
 activeRequestCount, OpenLayers.Ajax
 addClass, OpenLayers. Element
 addCloseBox, OpenLayers. Popup
 addComponent, OpenLayers. Geometry. Collection
 addContainerPxFunction, OpenLayers. Layer. Google
 addControlToMap, OpenLayers.Map
 addPoint, OpenLayers. Handler.Path
 addPropertyStyles, OpenLayers. Style
 addTileMonitoringHooks, OpenLayers. Layer.Grid
 addTo, Jx. Addable
 addToImgQueue, Jx
 addUniqueValueRules, OpenLayers. StyleMap
 addWidgetInstance, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. WidgetSet
 adjustBounds, OpenLayers. Layer
 aiCurrentIndex, Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRenderer
 ajaxException, Fusion. Constant
 ajaxRequest, Fusion. Constant
 allowSelection, OpenLayers. Control
 alpha, OpenLayers. Layer
 alphaChanged, Jx. ColorPalette
 alphaHack, Util
 alphaHackNeeded, Util
 Anchored, OpenLayers. Popup. Anchored. OpenLayers. Popup
 AnchoredBubble, OpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredBubble. OpenLayers. Popup
 angle, OpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygon
 ApplicationDefinition, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 applyDefaults, Util
 applyPNGFilter, Jx
 applySymbolizer, OpenLayers. Style
 ArgParser, OpenLayers. Control. ArgParser. OpenLayers. Control
 assignRenderer, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 attachToElement, OpenLayers. Events
_getScriptLocation: function ()
Return the path to this script.
_getScriptLocation: function ()
Return the path to this script.
_removeElementObservers: function(elementObservers)
{String} Relative path of this script.
{String} Relative path of this script.
An array of search categories
An array of search definitions
modal dialogs prevent interaction with the rest of the application while they are open, this element is displayed just under the dialog to prevent the user from clicking anything.
the HTML element representing the color panel
the HTML element that is inserted into the DOM for this button.
A Broker object that can communicate with a MapGuide instance in the case we are running against a MapGuide server
This is the URL that Jx was loaded from, it is automatically calculated from the script tag src property that included Jx.
An Fx.Elements extension which allows you to easily create accordion type controls.
accumulateSelection: function(map,
accumulate the selection results from each map and when all have reported in, pass the results to the callback function
activate: function ()
Explicitly activates a control and it’s associated handler if one has been set.
activate: function()
activate: function ()
activate: function()
Activate the handler.
activate: function()
Turn on the handler.
activate: function (evt)
{Boolean} The control is active.
add: function()
add a new item to the pick list
add: function()
adds one or more buttons to the Multi button.
add : function()
Add one or more Jx.Buttons to the ButtonSet.
add : function()
Add menu items to the sub menu.
add : function()
Add menu items to the sub menu.
add : function()
Add one or more Jx.Tabs to the TabBox.
add: function()
Add one or more Jx.Button.Tabs to the TabSet.
add: function( )
Add an item to the toolbar.
add: function( )
Add a toolbar to the container.
addClass: function(element,
Add a CSS class name to an element.
addCloseBox: function(callback)
addComponent: function(component,
Add a new component (geometry) to the collection.
addContainerPxFunction: function()
Hack-on function because GMAPS does not give it to us
addControlToMap: function (control,
addPoint: function()
Add point to geometry.
addPropertyStyles: function(propertyStyles,
Creates a tile, initializes it, and adds it to the layer div.
Creates a tile, initializes it, and adds it to the layer div.
addTile creates a tile, initializes it, and adds it to the layer div.
addTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile)
This function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tiles.
addTo: function(reference,
adds the object to the DOM relative to another element.
Jx.addToImgQueue = function(obj)
Request that an image be set to a DOM IMG element src attribute.
addUniqueValueRules: function(renderIntent,
Convenience method to create comparison rules for unique values of a property.
addWidgetInstance: function(widget)
keep track of live widgets created in this widgetSet
adjustBounds: function (bounds)
This function will take a bounds, and if wrapDateLine option is set on the layer, it will return a bounds which is wrapped around the world.
{Array(int)} The index of the current position for pagination.
ajaxException: function(r,
trap exceptions produced in handling an ajax response.
ajaxRequest: function(scriptURL,
convenience function to issue an XmlHttpRequest to the server relative to the Fusion installation.
{Boolean} By deafault, controls do not allow selection, because it may interfere with map dragging.
{Boolean} The layer’s images have an alpha channel.
alphaChanged: function()
handle the user entering a new alpha value manually by updating the selected alpha if the entered value is valid alpha (0-100).
OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack = function()
Checks whether it’s necessary (and possible) to use the png alpha hack which allows alpha transparency for png images under Internet Explorer.
{Boolean} true if the png alpha hack is necessary and possible, false otherwise.
{Float} The angle from the origin (mouse down) to the current mouse position, in radians.
append: function(node)
Append a node at the end of the sub-tree
append : function(node)
append a node at the end of the sub-tree
construct a new instance of the ApplicationDefinition object.
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults = function (to,
Takes an object and copies any properties that don’t exist from another properties, by analogy with OpenLayers.Util.extend() from Prototype.js.
Jx.applyPNGFilter = function(o)
Static method that applies the PNG Filter Hack for IE browsers when showing 24bit PNG’s.
applySymbolizer: function(rule,
Contains Array Prototypes like each, contains, and erase.
Provides methods to dynamically load JavaScript, CSS, and Image files into the document.
assignRenderer: function()
Iterates through the available renderer implementations and selects and assigns the first one whose “supported()” function returns true.
atPoint: function(lonlat,
Determins whether the feature intersects with the specified location.
atPoint: function(lonlat,
attachToElement: function (element)