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 padding, OpenLayers. Popup
 paddingForPopups, OpenLayers.Map
 pagePositon, Util
 pane, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 panelContentLoaded, Jx. Panel
 panels, Jx. PanelSet
 PanelSet, Jx. PanelSet.Jx
 panIntoView, OpenLayers. Popup
 panMap, OpenLayers. Control. DragPan
 panMapDone, OpenLayers. Control. DragPan
 panMethod, OpenLayers.Map
 panned, OpenLayers. Control. DragPan
 panRatio, OpenLayers.Map
 panTween, OpenLayers.Map
 PanZoom, OpenLayers. Control. PanZoom. OpenLayers. Control
 params, OpenLayers. Layer. HTTPRequest
 parent, OpenLayers. Geometry
 parse, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 parseAppDef, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 parseXMLString, OpenLayers.Tile
 Path, OpenLayers. Handler. Path. OpenLayers. Handler
 Pixel, OpenLayers. Pixel. OpenLayers
 play, OpenLayers. Tween
 playing, OpenLayers. Tween
 point, OpenLayers. Handler. Point
 popup, OpenLayers. Feature
 Popup, OpenLayers. Popup. OpenLayers
 popups, OpenLayers.Map
 prelightCell, Jx.Grid
 prelightColumn, Jx.Grid
 prelightColumnHeader, Jx.Grid
 prelightRow, Jx.Grid
 prelightRowHeader, Jx.Grid
 prepareBar, Jx. Splitter
 prepareElement, Jx. Splitter
 previousIcon, Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel
 proj, OpenLayers. Projection
 projCode, OpenLayers. Projection
 projectForward, OpenLayers. Layer. SphericalMercator
 projectInverse, OpenLayers. Layer. SphericalMercator
 Projection, OpenLayers. Projection. OpenLayers
Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinitionFusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRendererFusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRendererDefaultFusion. Widget. SelectionPanelFusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRendererJxJx. Button. ComboJx. Button. FlyoutJx. Button. MultiJx. Button.TabJx. ButtonSetJx. ChromeJx. ColorPaletteJx. ContentLoaderJx. DialogJx.MenuJx. Menu.ItemJx. Menu. SeparatorJx. Menu. SubMenuJx. PanelSetJx. SplitterJx. Splitter.SnapJx. TabBoxJx. TabSetJx. ToolbarJx. Toolbar. ContainerJx. Toolbar.ItemJx. Toolbar. SeparatorJx. TreeFolderJx. TreeItemOpenLayersOpenLayers.AjaxOpenLayers. Ajax. RequestOpenLayers. Ajax. RespondersOpenLayers. Ajax. ResponseOpenLayers. ArrayOpenLayers. BoundsOpenLayers. ControlOpenLayers. Control. DragPanOpenLayers. Control. DrawFeatureOpenLayers. Control. MeasureOpenLayers. Control. NavigationOpenLayers. Control. OverviewMapOpenLayers. Control. PanZoomOpenLayers. Control. ZoomBoxOpenLayers. ElementsIndexerOpenLayers. EventOpenLayers. EventsOpenLayers. FeatureOpenLayers. Feature. VectorOpenLayers. FormatOpenLayers. GeometryOpenLayers. Geometry. CollectionOpenLayers. Geometry. CurveOpenLayers. Geometry. LinearRingOpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPointOpenLayers. Geometry. PolygonOpenLayers. HandlerOpenLayers. Handler.BoxOpenLayers. Handler. ClickOpenLayers. Handler.DragOpenLayers. Handler. FeatureOpenLayers. Handler. HoverOpenLayers. Handler. MouseWheelOpenLayers. Handler.PathOpenLayers. Handler. PointOpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygonOpenLayers.IconOpenLayers.LangOpenLayers. LayerOpenLayers. Layer. EventPaneOpenLayers. Layer. GoogleOpenLayers. Layer.GridOpenLayers. Layer. HTTPRequestOpenLayers. Layer. MapGuideOpenLayers. Layer. MarkersOpenLayers. Layer. VectorOpenLayers. Layer.WMSOpenLayers.MapOpenLayers. MarkerOpenLayers. Marker.BoxOpenLayers. NumberOpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredBubbleOpenLayers. ProjectionOpenLayers. RendererOpenLayers. Renderer. CanvasOpenLayers. Renderer. ElementsOpenLayers. Renderer.SVGOpenLayers. Renderer.VMLOpenLayers.RuleOpenLayers. StringOpenLayers. StyleOpenLayers. StyleMapOpenLayers.TileOpenLayers. Tile. ImageOpenLayers. Tween
 Properties and Functions, OpenLayers. Popup
 propertyChanged, Jx. TreeItem
 propertyStyles, OpenLayers. Style
 protocol, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 query, Fusion. Widget.Map
 queueScript, Fusion. Constant
{int or OpenLayers.Bounds} An extra opportunity to specify internal padding of the content div inside the popup.
{OpenLayers.Bounds} Outside margin of the popup.
Calculates the position of an element on the page.
{DOMElement} A reference to the element that controls the events.
panelContentLoaded: function(r)
When the content of the panel is loaded from a remote URL, this method is called when the ajax request returns.
{Array} the panels being managed by the set
Create a new instance of Jx.PanelSet.
panIntoView: function()
Pans the map such that the popup is totaly viewable (if necessary)
panMap: function(xy)
panMapDone: function(xy)
Finish the panning operation.
{Function} The Easing function to be used for tweening.
{Boolean} The map moved.
{Float} The ratio of the current extent within which panning will tween.
{OpenLayers.Tween} Animated panning tween object, see panTo()
{Object} Hashtable of key/value parameters
{OpenLayers.Geometry}This is set when a Geometry is added as component of another geometry
parse : function()
start parsing the ApplicationDefinition file.
parseAppDef: function(json)
parse the ApplicationDefinition file into the appropriate Fusion objects
OpenLayers.parseXMLString = function(text)
Parse XML into a doc structure
passesTolerance: function(evt)
Determine whether the event is within the optional pixel tolerance.
passesTolerance: function(px)
Determine whether the mouse move is within the optional pixel tolerance.
Create a new path hander
Create a new OpenLayers.Pixel instance
play: function()
Calls the appropriate easing method
{Boolean} Tells if the easing is currently playing
{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The currently drawn point
Construct a point geometry.
Create a new point handler.
Constructor for a Polygon geometry.
Create a Polygon Handler.
Create a popup.
{Array(OpenLayers.Popup)} List of popups associated with the map
position: function(element,
positions an element relative to another element based on the provided options.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} Top Left pixel of the tile
postDraw: function(node)
Things that have do be done after the geometry node is appended to its parent node.
postDraw: function(node)
Some versions of Internet Explorer seem to be unable to set fillcolor and strokecolor to “none” correctly before the fill node is appended to a visible vml node.
prelightCell: function(row,
apply the jxGridCellPrelight style to a cell.
prelightColumn: function(col)
apply the jxGridColumnPrelight style to a column.
prelightColumnHeader: function(col)
apply the jxGridColumnHeaderPrelight style to the header cell of a column.
prelightRow: function(row)
apply the jxGridRowPrelight style to row.
prelightRowHeader: function(row)
apply the jxGridRowHeaderPrelight style to the header cell of a row.
prepareBar: function()
Prepare a new, empty bar to go into between split areas.
prepareElement: function()
Prepare a new, empty element to go into a split area.
{String} The default image for Previous page button.
{Object} Proj4js.Proj instance.
projectForward: function(point)
Given an object with x and y properties in EPSG:4326, modify the x,y properties on the object to be the Spherical Mercator projected coordinates.
projectInverse: function(point)
Given an object with x and y properties in Spherical Mercator, modify the x,y properties on the object to be the unprojected coordinates.
This class offers several methods for interacting with a wrapped pro4js projection object.
propertyChanged : function(obj)
A property of an object has changed, synchronize the state of the TreeItem with the state of the object
{Hash of Boolean} cache of style properties that need to be parsed for propertyNames.
{OpenLayers.Protocol} Optional protocol for the layer.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The location of the last mousemove, expressed in pixels.
query: function(options)
dispatch query requests to maps
queueScript : function(url)
Insert a new script into the loading queue.