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 rad, Util
 rectDrag, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 redraw, OpenLayers. Renderer. Canvas
 redrawBackgroundNode, OpenLayers. Renderer. Elements
 redrawNode, OpenLayers. Renderer. Elements
 refresh, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 registerEvents, OpenLayers. Popup
 registerImageListeners, OpenLayers. Popup
 RegularPolygon, OpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygon. OpenLayers. Handler
 removeBox, OpenLayers. Handler.Box
 removeClass, OpenLayers. Element
 removeComponent, OpenLayers. Geometry. Collection
 removeExcessTiles, OpenLayers. Layer.Grid
 removeItem, Util
 removeMap, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 removeTail, Util
 removeTileMonitoringHooks, OpenLayers. Layer.Grid
 removeTimeout, OpenLayers. Handler.Drag
 renderer, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 Renderer, OpenLayers. Renderer. OpenLayers
 rendererRoot, OpenLayers. Renderer. Elements
 renderers, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 renderIntent, OpenLayers. Feature. Vector
 renderLegend, Fusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRenderer
 renderTile, OpenLayers. Tile. Image
 replace, Jx. TreeFolder
 reproject, OpenLayers. Layer.WMS
 request, OpenLayers. Ajax. Request
 Request, OpenLayers. Ajax. Request. OpenLayers.Ajax
 Request. HTML.js
 Request. JSON.js
 resetBackBuffer, OpenLayers. Tile. Image
 resetLayersZIndex, OpenLayers.Map
 resizeTabBox, Jx. TabSet
 resolutionFactor, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 RESOLUTIONS, OpenLayers. Layer. Google
 responders, OpenLayers. Ajax. Responders
 respondToReadyState, OpenLayers. Ajax. Request
 Response, OpenLayers. Ajax. Response. OpenLayers.Ajax
 right, OpenLayers. Bounds
 rightclick, OpenLayers. Handler. Click
 rightclickTimerId, OpenLayers. Handler. Click
 rounded, OpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredBubble
 rowSelected, Jx.Grid
 Rule, OpenLayers. Rule. OpenLayers
 rules, OpenLayers. Style
OpenLayers.Util.rad = function(x)
read: function(data)
Read data from a string, and return an object whose type depends on the subclass.
read: function(wkt)
Deserialize a WKT string and return a vector feature or an array of vector features.
rectDrag: function(px)
Handle extent rectangle drag
redraw: function()
The real ‘meat’ of the function: any time things have changed, redraw() can be called to loop over all the data and (you guessed it) redraw it.
redrawBackgroundNode: function(id,
Redraws the node using special ‘background’ style properties.
redrawNode: function(id,
refresh: function(obj)
Ask the layer to request features again and redraw them.
register: function(responderToAdd)
register: function (name,
register an event on the map
Registers events on the popup.
registerImageListeners: function()
Called when an image contained by the popup loaded.
Create a new regular polygon handler.
remove: function(idx)
Remove the item at the given index
remove: function(button)
remove a button from a multi button
remove : function(button)
Remove a button from this Button.
remove: function(item)
Remove a single menu item from the menu.
remove : function(tab)
Remove a tab from the TabSet.
remove: function(tab)
Remove a tab from this TabSet.
remove: function(item)
remove an item from a toolbar.
remove: function(item)
remove an item from a toolbar.
remove : function(node)
remove the specified node from the tree
remove: function(type)
Remove all listeners for a given event type.
removeBox: function()
Remove the zoombox from the screen and nullify our reference to it.
removeClass: function(element,
Remove a CSS class name from an element.
removeComponent: function(component)
Remove a component from this geometry.
removeExcessTiles: function(rows,
When the size of the map or the buffer changes, we may need to remove some excess rows and columns.
OpenLayers.Util.removeItem = function(array,
Remove an object from an array.
removeMap: function(map)
The layer has been removed from the map.
OpenLayers.Util.removeTail = function(url)
Takes a url and removes everything after the ?
removeTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile)
This function takes a tile as input and removes the tile hooks that were added in addTileMonitoringHooks()
removeTimeout: function()
{Array(String)} List of supported Renderer classes.
{String} rendering intent currently being used
renderLegend: function()
Abstract method that have the main purpose to draw the legend.
renderTile: function()
Internal function to actually initialize the image tile, position it correctly, and set its url.
replace: function(newNode,
Replace a node with another node
request: function(url)
Extends the basic Request Class with additional methods for interacting with HTML responses.
Powerful all purpose Request Class.
Extends the basic Request Class with additional methods for sending and receiving JSON data.
resetBackBuffer: function()
Triggered by two different events, layer loadend, and tile loadend.
resetLayersZIndex: function()
Reset each layer’s z-index based on layer’s array index
resize: function()
resize the grid to fit inside its container.
resize: function(options)
resize the element controlled by this Jx.Layout object.
resizeTabBox: function()
Resize the tab set content area and propogate the changes to each of the tabs managed by the tab set.
{Float} The resolution of the map.
{Float} cache of current map resolution
{Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely tied with the standard wms projection
respondToReadyState: function(readyState)
{Number} Maximum horizontal coordinate.
rightclick: function(evt)
Handle rightclick.
{Number} The id of the right mouse timeout waiting to clear the delayedEvent.
{DOMElement} root element of canvas.
{Boolean} Has the popup been rounded yet?
This function is called by the grid to indicate that the user has selected a row by clicking on the row header.
Creates a Rule.