$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 Tab, Jx. Button. Tab. Jx. Button
 tabBar, Jx. TabBox
 TabBox, Jx. TabBox.Jx
 tabs, Jx. TabSet
 tabSet, Jx. TabBox
 TabSet, Jx. TabSet.Jx
 targetFolder, Fusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRendererDefault
 This version of the widget is not currently being used, Fusion. Widget. Buffer
 thousandsSeparator, OpenLayers. Number
 Tile, OpenLayers. Tile. OpenLayers
 TILE_HEIGHT, OpenLayers.Map
 TILE_PARAMS, OpenLayers. Layer. MapGuide
 TILE_WIDTH, OpenLayers.Map
 time, OpenLayers. Tween
 timeoutId, OpenLayers. Handler.Drag
 toggle, OpenLayers. Popup
 toggleClass, OpenLayers. Element
 toggleElement, Jx. Splitter.Snap
 Toolbar, Jx. Toolbar.Jx
 top, OpenLayers. Bounds
 toShortString, OpenLayers. Geometry. Point
 toState, OpenLayers. Feature. Vector
 transforms, OpenLayers. Projection
 translate, OpenLayers. Renderer.SVG
 translationParameters, OpenLayers. Renderer.SVG
 Tree, Jx. Tree.Jx
 TreeFolder, Jx. TreeFolder.Jx
 TreeItem, Jx. TreeItem.Jx
 triggerCallback, OpenLayers. Handler. Feature
 Try, Util
 Tween, OpenLayers. Tween. OpenLayers
 Two transforms declared, OpenLayers. Layer. SphericalMercator
 un, OpenLayers. Events
 unload, OpenLayers.Tile
 unloadCache, OpenLayers. Event
 unloadDestroy, OpenLayers.Map
 unrenderedFeatures, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 updateHandler, OpenLayers. Control. Measure
 updateMapToRect, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 updatePosition, OpenLayers. Popup
 updateRectToMap, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 updateSelected, Jx. ColorPalette
 updateSelection, Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRenderer
 updateSelectionObject, Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRenderer
 updateSizeDestroy, OpenLayers.Map
 updateSwatch, Jx. Button. Color
 upperCaseObject, Util
 URL_HASH_FACTOR, OpenLayers. Layer. HTTPRequest
 valueChanged, Jx. Button. Combo
 verticalResize, Jx. Splitter
 viewPortDiv, OpenLayers.Map
 viewRequestID, OpenLayers.Map
 visible, OpenLayers. Popup
 visibleItem, Jx. Menu. SubMenu
 VML, OpenLayers. Renderer. VML. OpenLayers. Renderer
Create a new instance of Jx.Button.Tab.
{Jx.Toolbar} the toolbar for this tab box.
Create a new instance of a TabBox.
{Array} array of tabs that are managed by this tab set
{Jx.TabSet} the tab set for this tab box.
Create a new instance of Jx.TabSet within a specific element of the DOM.
{Jx.TreeFolder} The current TreeFolder that the mouse will interact with.
Use BufferPanel instead.
Thousands separator to use when formatting numbers.
Constructor for a new OpenLayers.Tile instance.
{Integer} 256 Default tile height (unless otherwise specified)
{Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs for tiled layer
{Integer} 256 Default tile width (unless otherwise specified)
{int} Step counter
{String} The id of the timeout used for the mousedown interval.
{Number} The id of the timeout waiting to clear the delayedCall.
{Number} The id of the timer.
Class for creating nice tips that follow the mouse cursor when hovering an element.
{string} This property is used for showing a tooltip over the Control.
{String} Title of this rule (set if included in SLD)
{String} Title of this style (set if included in SLD)
toggle: function()
Toggles visibility of the popup.
toggleClass: function(element,
Remove a CSS class name from an element if it exists.
toggleCollapse: function(state)
sets or toggles the collapsed state of the panel.
toggleCollapse: function(state)
sets or toggles the collapsed state of the panel.
toggleElement: function()
Snap the element open or closed.
Create a new instance of Jx.Toolbar.
{Number} Maximum vertical coordinate.
toShortString: function()
{String} Shortened String representation of Point object.
toState: function(state)
Sets the new state
toString: function()
Returns the Well-Known Text representation of a geometry
Return a readable string version of the lonlat
Cast this object into a string
toString: function()
Convert projection to string (getCode wrapper).
Return the string representation of a size object
Transforms is an object, with from properties, each of which may have a to property.
translate: function(x,
Transforms the SVG coordinate system
{Object} Hash with “x” and “y” properties
Create a new instance of Jx.Tree
Create a new instance of Jx.TreeFolder
Create a new instance of Jx.TreeItem with the associated options
triggerCallback: function(type,
Call the callback keyed in the event map with the supplied arguments.
OpenLayers.Util.Try = function()
Execute functions until one of them doesn’t throw an error.
Creates a Tween.
Transforms from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:900913 and from EPSG:900913 to EPSG:4326 are set by this class.
{OpenLayers.Control.TYPES} Controls can have a ‘type’.
un: function(object)
Convenience method for unregistering listeners with a common scope.
unload: function()
Call immediately before destroying if you are listening to tile events, so that counters are properly handled if tile is still loading at destroy-time.
unloadCache: function()
Cycle through all the element entries in the events cache and call stopObservingElement on each.
Function that is called to destroy the map on page unload.
unregister: function(responderToRemove)
unregister: function (name,
unregister an event from the map
{Object} hash of features, keyed by, that the renderer failed to draw
up: function(evt)
This method is called during the handling of the mouse up event.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The location of the last mouseup.
up: function(evt)
Finish drawing the feature
update: function(shouldDescend)
Update the CSS of the Tree’s DOM element in case it has changed position
update : function(shouldDescend)
Update the CSS of the TreeFolder’s DOM element in case it has changed position.
update : function(shouldDescend)
Update the CSS of the TreeItem’s DOM element in case it has changed position
update: function()
Update the overview map after layers move.
updateHandler: function(handler,
updateMapToRect: function()
Updates the map extent to match the extent rectangle position and size
updatePosition: function()
if the popup has a lonlat and its map members set, then have it move itself to its proper position
updateRectToMap: function()
Updates the extent rectangle position and size to match the map extent
updateRelativePosition: function()
The popup has been moved to a new relative location, so we may want to make some cosmetic adjustments to it.
updateRelativePosition: function()
The popup has been moved to a new relative location, in which case we will want to re-do the rico corners.
updateSelected: function()
update the colour panel user interface based on the current colour and alpha values
updateSelection: function()
Abstract method that handle the event: Fusion.Event.MAP_SELECTION_ON.
Helper method to update the aiCurrentIndex array for pagination.
When the map is destroyed, we need to stop listening to updateSize events: this method stores the function we need to unregister in non-IE browsers.
updateSwatch: function()
Update the swatch color for the current color
OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject = function (object)
Creates a new hashtable and copies over all the keys from the passed-in object, but storing them under an uppercased version of the key at which they were stored.
{String} image url
{Array(String) or String} This is either an array of url strings or a single url string.
{String} url of the request.
{String} The URL of the image being requested.
{Float} Used to hash URL param strings for multi-WMS server selection.
valueChanged: function()
invoked when the current value is changed
Create a vector feature.
Create a new vector layer
verticalResize: function()
Resize a vertically layed out container.
{HTMLDivElement} The element that represents the map viewport
{String} Used to store a unique identifier that changes when the map view changes.
visible: function()
{Boolean} Boolean indicating whether or not the popup is visible
{Jx.MenuItem} the visible item within the menu
Create a new VML renderer.