$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 data, OpenLayers. Feature
 decimalSeparator, OpenLayers. Number
 DEFAULT_CONFIG, OpenLayers. Request
 defaultDblClick, OpenLayers. Control. Navigation
 defaultDisabledLayerIcon, Fusion. Widget. Legend
 defaultGroupInfoIcon, Fusion. Widget. Legend
 defaultIcon, OpenLayers. Marker
 defaultLayerDWFIcon, Fusion. Widget. Legend
 defaultLayerInfoIcon, Fusion. Widget. Legend
 defaultLayerRasterIcon, Fusion. Widget. Legend
 defaultLayerThemeIcon, Fusion. Widget. Legend
 defaultRightDblClick, OpenLayers. Control. Navigation
 defaultRootFolderIcon, Fusion. Widget. Legend
 defaultSize, OpenLayers. Layer. MapGuide
 defaultStyle, OpenLayers. Style
 delayedRightCall, OpenLayers. Handler. Click
 descendantOf, Element
 destroyGrid, Jx.Grid
 destroyPoint, OpenLayers. Handler.Path
 determineZIndex, OpenLayers. ElementsIndexer
 Dialog, Jx. Dialog.Jx
 disableZoomWheel, OpenLayers. Control. Navigation
 dispatch, OpenLayers. Ajax. Responders
 dispatchException, OpenLayers. Ajax. Request
 displayError, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 displaySystem, OpenLayers. Control. Measure
 displaySystemUnits, OpenLayers. Control. Measure
 distVincenty, Util
 doubleClick, OpenLayers. Control. PanZoom
 Drag, OpenLayers. Handler. Drag. OpenLayers. Handler
 Drag. Move.js
 dragHandler, OpenLayers. Handler.Box
 dragHorizontal, Jx. Splitter
 dragObject, OpenLayers. Layer. Google
 dragPan, OpenLayers. Control. Navigation
 dragVertical, Jx. Splitter
 drawExternalGraphic, OpenLayers. Renderer. Canvas
 DrawFeature, OpenLayers. Control. DrawFeature. OpenLayers. Control
 drawGeometryNode, OpenLayers. Renderer. Elements
 drawing, OpenLayers. Handler. Point
 DrawLine, OpenLayers. Renderer.VML
 drawMarker, OpenLayers. Layer. Markers
dashStyle: function(style,
dashStyle: function(style)
dblclick: function(evt)
Handle dblclick.
dblclick: function(evt)
Handle dblclick.
dblclick: function(evt)
Handle double-clicks.
dblclick: function(evt)
Handle double-clicks.
dblclick: function(evt)
Handle double-clicks.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the menu by hiding it.
deactivate: function(e)
Deactivate the sub menu
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the Toolbar (when it is acting as a menu bar).
deactivate: function ()
Deactivates a control and it’s associated handler if any.
deactivate: function()
deactivate: function ()
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the handler.
deactivate: function()
Turn off the handler.
deactivate: function (evt)
Decimal separator to use when formatting numbers.
{Object} Default configuration for all requests.
{Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs
{Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs
defaultDblClick: function (evt)
{String} The default image for layers that are out of scale.
{String} The default image for groupd info
OpenLayers.Marker.defaultIcon = function()
Creates a default OpenLayers.Icon.
{String} The default image for DWF layer
{String} The default image for layer info
{String} The default image for Raster layer
{String} The default image for layers that are currently themed.
{String} The default image for the root folder
{OpenLayers.Size} Tile size as produced by MapGuide server
{Object} hash of style properties to use as default for merging rule-based style symbolizers onto.
delayedCall: function(evt)
Sets timerId to null.
delayedCall: function(evt)
Triggers pause callback.
delayedRightCall: function(evt)
Sets rightclickTimerId to null.
descendantOf: function(node)
determines if the element is a descendent of the reference node.
{String} Description of this rule (set if abstract is included in SLD)
{String} Description of this style (set if abstract is included in SLD)
destroy: function()
destroy: function ()
The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control is dereferenced.
destroy: function()
The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control is dereferenced.
destroy: function()
nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function()
nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function()
Destroy this geometry.
destroy: function ()
Deconstruct the handler.
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
Nullify references and remove event listeners to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function(setNewBaseLayer)
Destroy is a destructor: this is to alleviate cyclic references which the Javascript garbage cleaner can not take care of on its own.
destroy: function()
Destroy this layer
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function()
Destroy projection object.
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
destroyFeature: function()
Destroy temporary geometries
destroyFeature: function()
Destroy the temporary geometries
destroyFeature: function()
Destroy temporary geometries
destroyGrid: function()
destroy the contents of the grid safely
destroyMarker: function()
Destroys marker.
destroyMarker: function()
destroyPoint: function()
Destroy the temporary point.
destroyPopup: function()
Destroys the popup created via createPopup.
destroyPopup: function()
determineZIndex: function(node)
Determine the z-index for the current node if there isn’t one, and set the maximum value if we’ve found a new maximum.
Construct a new instance of Jx.Dialog
disableZoomWheel : function()
dispatch: function(callback,
dispatchException: function(exception)
If the optional onException function is set, execute it and then dispatch the call to any other listener registered for onException.
display: function(display)
Hide or show the icon
display: function(display)
Set the display on the pane
display: function(display)
Hide or show the layer
display: function(display)
Hide or show the icon
display: function(display)
Hide or show the icon
{string} This property is used for CSS related to the drawing of the Control.
{String} The CSS class of the popup.
displayError: function()
Let the user know their browser isn’t supported.
{String} Display system for output measurements.
{Object} Units for various measurement systems.
Given two objects representing points with geographic coordinates, this calculates the distance between those points on the surface of an ellipsoid.
{DOMElement} the div that contains this popup.
{HTMLElement} The HTML element containing the menu.
{HTMLElement} the HTML element that the separator is contained within
{HTMLElement} the element being split
{HTMLElement} The HTML element that represents this tab set in the DOM.
{HTMLElement} the HTML element that the toolbar lives in
{HTMLElement} the HTML element that the container lives in
{HTMLElement} an element to contain the thing to be placed in the toolbar.
{HTMLElement} The DOM element that goes in the Jx.Toolbar
{HTMLElement} a reference to the HTML element that is the TreeItem in the DOM
Contains the domready custom event.
{Integer} 72 (A sensible default)
doubleClick: function (evt)
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The pixel location of the last mousedown.
down: function(evt)
This method is called during the handling of the mouse down event.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The location of the last mousedown.
down: function(evt)
Start drawing a new feature
Returns OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
The base Drag Class.
A Drag extension that provides support for the constraining of draggables to containers and droppables.
{Boolean} The map is currently being dragged.
dragHorizontal: function(obj)
In a horizontally split container, handle a bar being dragged left or right by resizing the elements on either side of the bar.
{GDraggableObject} Since 2.93, Google has exposed the ability to get the maps GDraggableObject.
dragVertical: function(obj)
In a vertically split container, handle a bar being dragged up or down by resizing the elements on either side of the bar.
draw: function (px)
The draw method is called when the control is ready to be displayed on the page.
draw: function()
Creates a Drag handler, using panMap and panMapDone as callbacks.
draw: function()
draw: function()
Render the control in the browser.
draw: function(px)
draw: function()
draw: function(px)
Move the div to the given pixel.
draw: function(px)
Calls draw on the icon, and returns that output.
draw: function(px,
draw: function(px)
Constructs the elements that make up the popup.
draw: function(px)
draw: function()
Clear whatever is currently in the tile, then return whether or not it should actually be re-drawn.
draw: function()
Check that a tile should be drawn, and draw it.
drawCircle: function(node,
Virtual function for drawing Circle Geometry.
drawCircle: function(node,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawCircle: function(node,
Render a circle.
drawExternalGraphic: function(pt,
Called to draw External graphics.
drawFeature: function(geometry)
drawFeature: function()
Render geometries on the temporary layer.
drawFeature: function()
Render features on the temporary layer.
drawFeature: function()
Render geometries on the temporary layer.
drawFeature: function(feature,
Draw the feature.
drawFeature: function(feature,
Draw the feature.
drawGeometry: function(geometry,
Draw a geometry.
drawGeometry: function(geometry,
Used when looping (in redraw) over the features; draws the canvas.
drawGeometry: function(geometry,
Draw the geometry, creating new nodes, setting paths, setting style, setting featureId on the node.
drawGeometryNode: function(node,
Given a node, draw a geometry on the specified layer.
{Boolean} A point is being drawn
Render a line.
drawLinearRing: function(geometry,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawLinearRing: function(node,
Virtual function for drawing LinearRing Geometry.
drawLinearRing: function(node,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawLinearRing: function(node,
Render a linearring
drawLineString: function(geometry,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawLineString: function(node,
Virtual function for drawing LineString Geometry.
drawLineString: function(node,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawLineString: function(node,
Render a linestring.
drawMarker: function(marker)
Calculate the pixel location for the marker, create it, and add it to the layer’s div
{Boolean} internal state of drawing.
{Boolean} Whether the Vector Layer features have been drawn yet.
drawPoint: function(geometry,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawPoint: function(node,
Virtual function for drawing Point Geometry.
drawPoint: function(node,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawPoint: function(node,
Render a point
drawPolygon: function(geometry,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawPolygon: function(node,
Virtual function for drawing Polygon Geometry.
drawPolygon: function(node,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawPolygon: function(node,
Render a polygon
drawRectangle: function(node,
Virtual function for drawing Rectangle Geometry.
drawRectangle: function(node,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawRectangle: function(node,
Render a rectangle
drawSurface: function(node,
Virtual function for drawing Surface Geometry.
drawSurface: function(node,
This method is only called by the renderer itself.
drawSurface: function(node,