$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 features, OpenLayers. Renderer. Canvas
 fid, OpenLayers. Feature. Vector
 filter, OpenLayers.Rule
 finalizeFolder, Jx. TreeFolder
 finalizeItem, Jx. TreeItem
 findChild, Jx. TreeFolder
 findPropertyStyles, OpenLayers. Style
 firstLayout, Jx. PanelSet
 firstUpdate, Jx. Splitter
 fixedRadius, OpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygon
 FixedZoomLevels, OpenLayers. Layer. FixedZoomLevels. OpenLayers. Layer
 fixPadding, OpenLayers. Popup
 focus, Jx. Addable
 Format, OpenLayers. Format. OpenLayers
 fractionalZoom, OpenLayers.Map
 frame, OpenLayers. Tile. Image
 freehand, OpenLayers. Handler.Path
 freehandMode, OpenLayers. Handler.Path
 freehandToggle, OpenLayers. Handler.Path
 fromString, OpenLayers. LonLat
ElementFusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinitionFusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. WidgetFusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. WidgetSetFusion. Lib. EventMgrFusion. WidgetFusion. Widget. AboutFusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRendererFusion. Widget.MapFusion. Widget. MeasureFusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRendererFusion. Widget.ZoomJxJx. AutoPositionJx. Button. ColorJx. Button. ComboJx. Button. FlyoutJx. Button. MultiJx. Button.TabJx. ButtonSetJx. ChromeJx. ColorPaletteJx. ContentLoaderJx. DialogJx.GridJx. LayoutJx.MenuJx. Menu. ContextJx. Menu.ItemJx. Menu. SeparatorJx. Menu. SubMenuJx. PanelJx. PanelSetJx. SplitterJx. Splitter.SnapJx. TabBoxJx. TabSetJx. ToolbarJx. Toolbar. ContainerJx. Toolbar.ItemJx. Toolbar. SeparatorJx.TreeJx. TreeFolderJx. TreeItemOpenLayersOpenLayers.AjaxOpenLayers. Ajax.BaseOpenLayers. Ajax. RequestOpenLayers. Ajax. RespondersOpenLayers. Ajax. ResponseOpenLayers. ArrayOpenLayers. BoundsOpenLayers. ControlOpenLayers. Control. ArgParserOpenLayers. Control. DragPanOpenLayers. Control. DrawFeatureOpenLayers. Control. MeasureOpenLayers. Control. NavigationOpenLayers. Control. OverviewMapOpenLayers. Control. PanZoomOpenLayers. Control. ZoomBoxOpenLayers. Easing.ExpoOpenLayers. Easing. LinearOpenLayers. Easing.QuadOpenLayers. ElementOpenLayers. ElementsIndexerOpenLayers. ElementsIndexer. IndexingMethodsOpenLayers. EventOpenLayers. EventsOpenLayers. FeatureOpenLayers. Feature. VectorOpenLayers. FormatOpenLayers. Format.WKTOpenLayers. GeometryOpenLayers. Geometry. CollectionOpenLayers. Geometry. CurveOpenLayers. Geometry. LinearRingOpenLayers. Geometry. LineStringOpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPointOpenLayers. Geometry. PointOpenLayers. Geometry. PolygonOpenLayers. HandlerOpenLayers. Handler.BoxOpenLayers. Handler. ClickOpenLayers. Handler.DragOpenLayers. Handler. FeatureOpenLayers. Handler. HoverOpenLayers. Handler. MouseWheelOpenLayers. Handler.PathOpenLayers. Handler. PointOpenLayers. Handler. PolygonOpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygonOpenLayers.IconOpenLayers. LayerOpenLayers. Layer. EventPaneOpenLayers. Layer. FixedZoomLevelsOpenLayers. Layer. GoogleOpenLayers. Layer.GridOpenLayers. Layer. HTTPRequestOpenLayers. Layer. MapGuideOpenLayers. Layer. MapServerOpenLayers. Layer. MarkersOpenLayers. Layer. SphericalMercatorOpenLayers. Layer. VectorOpenLayers. Layer.WMSOpenLayers. LonLatOpenLayers.MapOpenLayers. MarkerOpenLayers. Marker.BoxOpenLayers. PixelOpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredOpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredBubbleOpenLayers. ProjectionOpenLayers. RendererOpenLayers. Renderer. CanvasOpenLayers. Renderer. ElementsOpenLayers. Renderer.SVGOpenLayers. Renderer.VMLOpenLayers.RuleOpenLayers.SizeOpenLayers. StyleOpenLayers. StyleMapOpenLayers.TileOpenLayers. Tile. ImageOpenLayers. TweenUtil
 Functions and Properties
 Fusion. Constant
 Fusion. Error
 Fusion. Event
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. Container
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. Flyout
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition.Item
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition.Map
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. MapGroup
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. SearchCondition
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. SearchDefinition
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. SearchJoin
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. SearchRule
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. Widget
 Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. WidgetSet
 Fusion. Lib. EventMgr
 Fusion. Lib. MGBroker
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGCopyResource
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGCreateSession
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGDeleteResource
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGDescribeSchema
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGEnumerateResourceData
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGEnumerateResourceReferences
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGEnumerateResources
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGGetFeatureSetEnvelope
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGGetResourceContent
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGGetResourceHeader
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGGetSpatialContexts
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGGetVisibleMapExtent
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGMoveResource
 Fusion. Lib. MGRequest. MGQueryMapFeatures
 Fusion. Tool. Canvas
 Fusion. Tool. Canvas. Circle
 Fusion. Tool. Canvas.line
 Fusion. Tool. Canvas.Node
 Fusion. Tool. Canvas. Point
 Fusion. Tool. Canvas. Polygon
 Fusion. Tool. Canvas. Segment
 Fusion. Tool. Canvas. Style
 Fusion. Tool. Rectangle
 Fusion. Tool. Search
 Fusion. Tools
 Fusion. Widget
 Fusion. Widget. About
 Fusion. Widget. ActivityIndicator
 Fusion. Widget. Buffer
 Fusion. Widget. BufferPanel
 Fusion. Widget. CenterSelection
 Fusion. Widget. ClearSelection
 Fusion. Widget. ColorPicker
 Fusion. Widget. CursorPosition
 Fusion. Widget. EditableScale
 Fusion. Widget. ExtentHistory
 Fusion. Widget.Help
 Fusion. Widget. InitialMapView
 Fusion. Widget. InvokeScript
 Fusion. Widget. InvokeURL
 Fusion. Widget. LayerManager
 Fusion. Widget. Legend
 Fusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRenderer
 Fusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRendererDefault
 Fusion. Widget. LinkToView
 Fusion. Widget.Map
 Fusion. Widget. MapMenu
 Fusion. Widget. Maptip
 Fusion. Widget. Measure
 Fusion. Widget. Navigator
 Fusion. Widget. OverviewMap
 Fusion. Widget.Pan
 Fusion. Widget. PanOnClick
 Fusion. Widget. PanQuery
 Fusion. Widget. Print
 Fusion. Widget. RefreshMap
 Fusion. Widget. SaveMap
 Fusion. Widget. Scalebar
 Fusion. Widget. ScalebarDual
 Fusion. Widget. Search
 Fusion. Widget. Select
 Fusion. Widget. SelectionInfo
 Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel
 Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRenderer
 Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRendererDefault
 Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRendererHorizontal
 Fusion. Widget. SelectPolygon
 Fusion. Widget. SelectRadius
 Fusion. Widget. SelectRadiusValue
 Fusion. Widget. SelectWithin
 Fusion. Widget. TaskPane
 Fusion. Widget. ViewOptions
 Fusion. Widget. ViewSize
 Fusion. Widget.Zoom
 Fusion. Widget. ZoomOnClick
 Fusion. Widget. ZoomToSelection
 Fx. CSS.js
 Fx. Elements.js
 Fx. Morph.js
 Fx. Scroll.js
 Fx. Slide.js
 Fx. Transitions.js
 Fx. Tween.js
{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The last feature that was hovered.
{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The currently drawn polygon feature
Constructor for features.
{Object} Internal object of feature/style pairs for use in redrawing the layer.
{OpenLayers.Filter} Optional filter for the rule.
finalize: function()
Clean up the panel
finalize: function()
Clean up a Jx.Tree instance
finalize: function()
Clean up a TreeFolder.
finalize: function()
Clean up the TreeItem and remove all DOM references
finalize: function(cancel)
Finish the geometry and call the “done” callback.
finalize: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “done” callback.
finalizeFolder: function()
Internal method to clean up folder-related stuff.
finalizeItem: function()
Clean up the TreeItem and remove all DOM references
findChild : function(path)
Get a reference to a child node by recursively searching the tree
findElement: function(type)
search the parentage of the element to find an element of the given tag name.
findElement: function(event,
findPropertyStyles: function()
Looks into all rules for this style and the defaultStyle to collect all the style hash property names containing ${...}
{Boolean} true until the panel set has first been resized
{Boolean} track the first resize event so that unexposed Jx things can be forced to calculate their size the first time they are exposed.
{Boolean} The polygon has a fixed radius.
Create a new fixed zoom levels layer.
fixPadding: function()
To be removed in 3.0, this function merely helps us to deal with the case where the user may have set an integer value for padding, instead of an OpenLayers.Bounds object.
focus: function()
capture the keyboard focus on this button
Instances of this class are not useful.
{Boolean} For a base layer that supports it, allow the map resolution to be set to a value between one of the values in the resolutions array.
{DOMElement} The image element is appended to the frame.
{Boolean} In freehand mode, the handler starts the path on mouse down, adds a point for every mouse move, and finishes the path on mouse up.
freehandMode: function(evt)
Determine whether to behave in freehand mode or not.
{String} If set, freehandToggle is checked on mouse events and will set the freehand mode to the opposite of this.freehand.
OpenLayers.LonLat.fromString = function(str)
Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.LonLat from a parameter string
Contains Function Prototypes like create, bind, pass, and delay.
declare global namespace object for Fusion library to use
Application scope constants
General purpose Error object
A class to provide for event handling at application runtime
A set of classes to provide core funtionality
Utility class to parse an application definition
Holds an internal representation of Container objects as defined in the AppDef
Holds an internal representation of Flyout objects as defined in the AppDef
Holds an internal representation of Menu Item objects as defined in the AppDef
Holds an internal representation of Map objects as defined in the AppDef
Holds an internal representation of MapGroup objects as defined in the AppDef
Holds an internal representation of SearchCondition objects as defined in the AppDef
Holds an internal representation of SearchDefinition objects as defined in the AppDef
Holds an internal representation of SearchJoin objects as defined in the AppDef
Holds an internal representation of SearchRule objects as defined in the AppDef
Holds an internal representation of Widget objects as defined in the AppDef
Holds an internal representation of WidgetSet objects as defined in the AppDef
an internal class for managing generic events.
MGBroker is used to broker requests to the MapGuide Open Source mapagent interface.
MGRequest is the base class for all broker-compatible requests.
encapsulate a request to the server to copy a resource.
encapsulate a request to the server to create a new session on the server.
encapsulate a request to the server to delete a resource.
encapsulate a request to the server to describe the schema of a FeatureSource.
encapsulate a request to the server to enumerate the data associated with a FeatureSource N.B.
encapsulate a request to the server to enumerate the references to a resource id.
encapsulate a request to the server to enumerate resources in the library.
encapsulate a request to the server to query map features on selectable layers
encapsulate a request to the server to get resource contents from the library.
encapsulate a request to the server to get resource header from the library.
encapsulate a request to the server to retrieve the spatial context of a resource.
encapsulate a request to the server to enumerate the data associated with a FeatureSource N.B.
encapsulate a request to the server to move a resource in the repository.
encapsulate a request to the server to query map features on selectable layers
A set of classes that implement layer functionality for various server technologies.
Utility base class for drawing features on the map.
Utility base class for drawing circle features on the map.
Utility base class for drawing line features on the map.
Utility base class to hold nodes that make up otherr features
Utility base class for drawing point features on the map.
Utility base class for drawing polygon features on the map.
Utility base class for drawing line segments on the map.
Utility base class to encapsulate a context style.
Utility class to draw a rectangle on the map and return the coordinates through the doAction function.
The Fusion search mechanism defines a common capability for searches that link individual searches to a common search set maintained for all search-based widgets.
A set of utility classes that provide common tools for applications
A set of classes that implement the functionlity required for applications
About widget to display a pop-up window about the application.
AcitivityIndicator is a widget that shows or hides its DOM element based on whether the map widget is busy or not.
The Buffer widget prompts the user for some inputs and then creates a buffer around the current selection based on those inputs.
The BufferPanel widget prompts the user for some inputs and then creates a buffer around the current selection based on those inputs.
Center the current selection, if any, but maintain the current scale if possible.
Clears the current selection, if any.
The user can pick from a palette of web-safe colours or enter a hex value.
Displays the geographic position of the cursor when it is over the map.
The user can manually type in a new scale
Maintain and navigate through a history of extents
Display a user help page.
Restore the map to it’s full extents determined when it was initially loaded.
Executes an arbitrary piece of JavaScript code
A widget that will open the configured URL in the target element.
Displays a LayerManager of all the layers in the map as a collapsable tree.
A widget to display a legend of all layers.
This is a class designed to help users to create their own renderer for customize the legend.
This class provide a default legend as a collapsable tree.
A widget that displays a link to the currently displayedd map view.
generic class for map widgets.
A widget that displays a selection of maps that can be loaded into the application.
Displays tooltips over the map when the mouse is hovered for some time.
The Measure widget allows the user to measure distances or areas on the map in one or more segments.
A widget that immplements an in-map navigation control with zoom and pan.
A widget that displays an overview map showing the current view of the primary map.
A widget that allows for naviagtion by panning
Pans the map a fixed amount in a particular direction
A widget that combines pan and query functionality.
Print the current map.
Refreshes the current map view without changing zoom or center.
Save the current map image on the client’s computer
A dynamically generated cartographic scalebar
A dynamically generated cartographic scalebar that looks like the Google scalebar
A widget that displays a pre-configured search form to the user and then runs the search.
perform a selection on map features
Displays the number of features and number of layers in the current selection.
A widget to display information about the currently selected set of features.
This is a class designed to help users to create their own renderer for customize display results.
This class provide a default behavior for the selection panel.
This class provide a alternate behavior for the selection panel.
perform a selection using a polygon
perform a selection by radius from a point
A widget to allow the user to specify the radius to use for a SelectRadius widget.
A widget to perform a selection within a currently selected set of features.
A utility widget that holds output from other widgets.
A widget to allow selection of the display units for various widgets
Display the size of the current view in user-definable units
A widget that will zoom the map in or out.
Zoom the map by a fixed amount when a button is clicked
Zoom to the current selection, if any
Contains the CSS animation logic.
Effect to change any number of CSS properties of any number of Elements.
Contains the basic animation logic to be extended by all other Fx Classes.
Formerly Fx.Styles, effect to transition any number of CSS properties for an element using an object of rules, or CSS based selector rules.
Effect to smoothly scroll any element, including the window.
Effect to slide an element in and out of view.
Contains a set of advanced transitions to be used with any of the Fx Classes.
Formerly Fx.Style, effect to transition any CSS property for an element.