$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 Geometry, OpenLayers. Geometry. OpenLayers
 geometryClone, OpenLayers. Handler. Point
 geometryMap, OpenLayers. Renderer. Canvas
 geometryTypeMatches, OpenLayers. Handler. Feature
 geometryTypes, OpenLayers. Handler. Feature
 getActiveLayer, Fusion. Widget.Map
 getApplicationURL, Fusion. Constant
 getArgs, Util
 getBorderBoxSize, Element
 getBorderSize, Element
 getBoundsFromBaseLayer, OpenLayers.Tile
 getBrowserName, Util
 getColumnCount, Jx.Grid
 getColumnHeaderHeight, Jx.Grid
 getColumnHeaderHTML, Jx.Grid
 getColumnWidth, Jx.Grid
 getComponentsString, OpenLayers. Geometry. Collection
 getComponentString, OpenLayers. Renderer.SVG
 getConfigCB, Fusion. Constant
 getContentBoxSize, Element
 getContentDivPadding, OpenLayers. Popup
 getContext, OpenLayers.Rule
 getCornersToRound, OpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredBubble
 getCurrentCenter, Fusion. Widget.Map
 getCurrentSize, OpenLayers.Map
 getDataExtent, OpenLayers. Layer
 getElement, Util
 getElementsByTagNameNS, OpenLayers. Ajax. Response
 getExtent, OpenLayers. Layer. SphericalMercator
 getExtentFromPoint, Fusion. Widget.Map
 getFeatureFromEvent, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 getGridBounds, OpenLayers. Layer.Grid
 getImagesLocation, Util
 getLocalXY, OpenLayers. Renderer. Canvas
 getLocation, Fusion. Widget
 getLonLatFromLayerPx, OpenLayers.Map
 getLonLatFromOverviewPx, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 getMapBoundsFromRectBounds, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 getMapGroup, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 getMapObjectLonLatFromOLLonLat, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 getMapObjectPixelFromOLPixel, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 getMapObjectZoomFromOLZoom, OpenLayers. Layer. FixedZoomLevels
 getMapWidget, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition. WidgetSet
 getMarginBoxSize, Element
 getMousePosition, OpenLayers. Events
 getName, Jx. TreeItem
 getNextPage, Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRenderer
 getNodes, Util
 getNumber, Element
 getOLLonLatFromMapObjectLonLat, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 getOLPixelFromMapObjectPixel, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoom, OpenLayers. Layer. FixedZoomLevels
 getOverviewPxFromLonLat, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 getPaddingSize, Element
 getPage, Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRenderer
 getPageDimensions, Element
 getParameters, Util
 getParameterString, Util
 getPosition, OpenLayers. Renderer.SVG
 getPreviousPage, Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRenderer
 getRectBoundsFromMapBounds, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 getRenderedDimensions, Util
 getResolution, OpenLayers. Renderer
 getResolutionFromScale, Util
 getResponseHeader, OpenLayers. Ajax. Response
 getRowColumnFromEvent, Jx.Grid
 getRowCount, Jx.Grid
 getRowHeaderHTML, Jx.Grid
 getRowHeaderWidth, Jx.Grid
 getRowHeight, Jx.Grid
 getScaleFromResolution, Util
 getSelection, Fusion. Widget.Map
 getShortString, OpenLayers. Renderer.SVG
 getSortedSegments, OpenLayers. Geometry. LineString
 getStatustext, OpenLayers. Ajax. Response
 getSymbolizerPrefix, OpenLayers. Style
 getTagText, Util
 getTransport, OpenLayers.Ajax
 getValue, Jx. Button. Combo
 getValueAt, Jx.Grid
 getViewPortPxFromLonLat, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 getWarningHTML, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 getWidgetById, Fusion. Constant
 getXmlNodeValue, Util
 getZIndex, OpenLayers. Layer
 getZoomForResolution, OpenLayers. Layer. FixedZoomLevels
 Google, OpenLayers. Layer. Google. OpenLayers. Layer
 graphicRotate, OpenLayers. Renderer.VML
 grid, OpenLayers. Layer.Grid
 gridChanged, Jx.Grid
 groupDiv, OpenLayers. Popup
Creates a geometry object.
geometryClone: function()
Return a clone of the relevant geometry.
{Object} Geometry -> Feature lookup table.
geometryTypeMatches: function(feature)
Return true if the geometry type of the passed feature matches one of the geometry types in the geometryTypes array.
To restrict dragging to a limited set of geometry types, send a list of strings corresponding to the geometry class names.
getActiveLayer: function()
returns the active layer for selection/manipulation
getApplicationURL: function()
returns the applicaiton’s absolute URL minus the filename.html part
getArea: function(geometry,
getArea: function(geometry,
getArea: function()
Calculate the area of this geometry.
OpenLayers.Util.getArgs = function(url)
Based on the displaySystem returns the area of a geometry.
getBestArea: function(geometry)
Based on the displaySystem returns the area of a geometry.
getBestLength: function(geometry)
Based on the displaySystem returns the length of a geometry.
getBestLength: function(geometry)
Based on the displaySystem returns the length of a geometry.
getBorderBoxSize: function()
return the size of the border area of an element.
getBorderSize : function()
returns the border size for each edge of an element
getBoundsFromBaseLayer: function(position)
Take the pixel locations of the corner of the tile, and pass them to the base layer and ask for the location of those pixels, so that displaying tiles over Google works fine.
OpenLayers.Util.getBrowserName = function()
{String} A string which specifies which is the current browser in which we are running.
This function returns the number of columns of data in the model as an integer value.
This function returns an integer which is the height of the column header row in pixels.
This function returns an HTML string to be placed in the column header for the given column index.
This function returns an integer which is the width of the given column in pixels.
getComponentsString: function()
Get a string representing the components for this collection
getConfigCB : function(r)
the server has returned the application configuration file that contains enough information to bootstrap the application.
getContentBoxSize : function()
return the size of the content area of an element.
getContentDivPadding: function()
Glorious, oh glorious hack in order to determine the css ‘padding’ of the contentDiv.
getContext: function(feature)
Gets the context for evaluating this rule
{String} The proper corners string (“tr tl bl br”) for rico to round.
getCurrentCenter: function()
returns the current center of the map view
getCurrentSize: function()
{OpenLayers.Size} A new OpenLayers.Size object with the dimensions of the map div
getDataExtent: function ()
Calculates the max extent which includes all of the data for the layer.
OpenLayers.Util.getElement = function()
This is the old $() from prototype
OpenLayers.Ajax.getElementsByTagNameNS = function(parentnode,
getExtent: function()
Get the map’s extent.
getExtentFromPoint: function(fX,
returns the Extent of the map given a center point and a scale (optional)
getFeatureFromEvent: function(evt)
Given an event, return a feature if the event occurred over one.
getFeatureIdFromEvent: function(evt)
Returns a feature id from an event on the renderer.
getFeatureIdFromEvent: function(evt)
Returns a feature id from an event on the renderer.
getFeatureIdFromEvent: function(evt)
Combine url with layer’s params and these newParams.
getFullRequestString on MapGuide layers is special, because we do a regular expression replace on ‘,’ in parameters to ‘+’.
combine the layer’s url with its params and these newParams.
getGeometry: function()
Return the sketch geometry.
getGeometry: function()
Return the sketch geometry.
getGeometry: function()
Return the sketch geometry.
getGridBounds: function()
getHeader: function(name)
OpenLayers.Util.getImagesLocation = function()
{String} The fully formatted image location string
getLabel: function()
returns the text of the button.
getLabel: function()
Get the label of the title bar of this panel
getLength: function(geometry,
getLength: function(geometry,
getLength: function()
Calculate the length of this geometry.
getLocalXY: function(point)
transform geographic xy into pixel xy
getLocation: function()
returns the location of this widget relative to the installation of fusion.
getLonLatFromLayerPx: function (px)
getLonLatFromOverviewPx: function(overviewMapPx)
Get a map location from a pixel location
getLonLatFromViewPortPx: function (viewPortPx)
Get a map location from a pixel location
getLonLatFromViewPortPx: function (viewPortPx)
getMap: function()
Helper method to obtains the map.
getMap: function()
Helper method to obtains the map.
getMapBoundsFromRectBounds: function(pxBounds)
Get the map bounds from the rect bounds.
getMapById : function(id)
return a map widget that is associated with the given dom element by id.
getMapById : function(id)
return a map widget with the given id
getMapByIndice : function(indice)
return the map widget at the given index
getMapByIndice : function(indice)
return the map widget at the given index
getMapByName : function(name)
return a map widget with the given name
getMapByName : function(name)
return a map widget with the given name
getMapByName : function(name)
return the map widget from this widget set if the map’s name matches the requested name, or null.
getMapGroup : function(mapGroupId)
return the specified map group from the application definition
getMapObjectLonLatFromOLLonLat: function(olLonLat)
Get a 3rd party map location from an OL map location.
getMapObjectPixelFromOLPixel: function(olPixel)
Get a 3rd party pixel location from an OL pixel location
getMapObjectZoomFromOLZoom: function(olZoom)
Get the map object zoom level from the OL zoom level
getMapWidget: function()
return the map widget for this widget set
getMarginBoxSize: function()
return the size of the margin area of an element.
getMousePosition: function (evt)
getName : function()
Get the label associated with a TreeItem
getNextPage: function(selectionLayer)
Get the next batches of features.
These could/should be made namespace aware?
getNodeType: function(geometry,
This function is in charge of asking the specific renderer which type of node to create for the given geometry and style.
getNodeType: function(geometry,
getNodeType: function(geometry,
Get the node type for a geometry and style
getNumber: function(n)
safely parse a number and return its integer value.
getOLLonLatFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat)
Get an OL style map location from a 3rd party style map location
getOLPixelFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel)
Get an OL pixel location from a 3rd party pixel location.
getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoom: function(moZoom)
Get the OL zoom index from the map object zoom level
getOverviewPxFromLonLat: function(lonlat)
Get a pixel location from a map location
getPaddingSize : function ()
returns the padding for each edge of an element
getPage: function(selectionLayer,
Get a batches of features in a selection.
getPageDimensions: function()
return the dimensions of the browser client area.
OpenLayers.Util.getParameters = function(url)
Parse the parameters from a URL or from the current page itself into a JavaScript Object.
OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString = function(params)
getPosition: function(node)
Finds the position of an svg node.
getPreviousPage: function(selectionLayer)
Get the previous batches of features.
getRectBoundsFromMapBounds: function(lonLatBounds)
Get the rect bounds from the map bounds.
OpenLayers.Util.getRenderedDimensions = function(contentHTML,
Renders the contentHTML offscreen to determine actual dimensions for popup sizing.
getResolution: function()
Uses cached copy of resolution if available to minimize computing
OpenLayers.Util.getResolutionFromScale = function (scale,
getResponseHeader: function(name)
getRowColumnFromEvent: function(e)
retrieve the row and column indexes from an event click.
This function returns the number of rows of data in the model as an integer value.
This function returns an HTML string to be placed in the row header for the given row index
This function returns an integer which is the width of the row header column in pixels.
This function returns an integer which is the height of the given row in pixels.
OpenLayers.Util.getScaleFromResolution = function (resolution,
getSelection: function(callback,
returns the current selection asynchronously in case we need to retrieve the details from the server
getShortString: function(point)
getSortedSegments: function()
{Array} An array of segment objects.
getStatus: function()
getSymbolizerPrefix: function(geometry)
Returns the correct symbolizer prefix according to the geometry type of the passed geometry
OpenLayers.Util.getTagText = function (parent,
getTransport: function()
{Object} Transport mechanism for whichever browser we’re in, or false if none available.
getURL: function (bounds)
Return a query string for this layer
getURL: function (bounds)
Return a query string for this layer
getURL: function (bounds)
Return a GetMap query string for this layer
getValue: function()
Return the current value
This function returns an HTML string which is the text to place in the cell at the given row and column.
getViewPortPxFromLonLat: function (lonlat)
Get a pixel location from a map location
To be implemented by subclasses.
getWidgetById: function(id)
return a reference to a widget by the id of the DOM Element that it was created in.
OpenLayers.Util.getXmlNodeValue = function(node)
getZIndex: function ()
{Integer} the z-index of this layer
getZoomForResolution: function(resolution)
Get the zoom level for a given resolution
graphicRotate: function(node,
If a point is to be styled with externalGraphic and rotation, VML fills cannot be used to display the graphic, because rotation of graphic fills is not supported by the VML implementation of Internet Explorer.
{Array(Array(OpenLayers.Tile))} This is an array of rows, each row is an array of tiles.
construct a new instance of Jx.Grid within the domObj
Create a new grid layer
gridChanged: function(model,
called through the grid listener interface when data has changed in the underlying model
Class for monitoring collections of events
{DOMElement} First and only child of ‘div’.