$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 handle, OpenLayers. Handler. Feature
 handleBrowserEvent, OpenLayers. Events
 handler, OpenLayers. Control
 Handler, OpenLayers. Handler. OpenLayers
 handlers, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 hasClass, OpenLayers. Element
 Hash. Cookie.js
 hasSelection, Fusion. Widget.Map
 height, Jx. PanelSet
 hideChrome, Jx. Chrome
 horizontalResize, Jx. Splitter
 Hover, OpenLayers. Handler. Hover. OpenLayers. Handler
 HTTPRequest, OpenLayers. Layer. HTTPRequest. OpenLayers. Layer
 icon, OpenLayers. Marker
 Icon, OpenLayers. Icon. OpenLayers
 Image, OpenLayers. Tile. Image. OpenLayers.Tile
 imageDiv, OpenLayers.Icon
 imageOffset, OpenLayers. Layer
 imgDiv, OpenLayers. Tile. Image
 ImgPath, Util
 Indexer, OpenLayers. Renderer. Elements
 indexOf, Util
 indices, OpenLayers. ElementsIndexer
 inflate, OpenLayers. Marker
 initGriddedTiles, OpenLayers. Layer.Grid
 initImgDiv, OpenLayers. Tile. Image
 initMercatorParameters, OpenLayers. Layer. SphericalMercator
 initSingleTile, OpenLayers. Layer.Grid
 inRange, OpenLayers. Layer
 insert, Jx. TreeFolder
 insertBefore, Jx. Menu. SubMenu
 INTERVAL, OpenLayers. Tween
 inValidRange, OpenLayers. Renderer.SVG
 iResultsPerPage, Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRenderer
 isBackBuffer, OpenLayers. Tile. Image
 isBaseLayer, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 isCellEditable, Jx.Grid
 isComplexSymbol, OpenLayers. Renderer. Elements
 isEnabled, Jx. Addable
 isEquivalentUrl, Util
 isFirstDraw, OpenLayers. Tile. Image
 isLastNode, Jx. TreeFolder
 isLeftClick, OpenLayers. Event
 isLoading, OpenLayers.Tile
 isPrototype, OpenLayers. Array
 isRightClick, OpenLayers. Event
 isSuitableOverview, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 isValidLonLat, OpenLayers.Map
 isValidZoomLevel, OpenLayers.Map
handle: function(evt)
handleBrowserEvent: function (evt)
Basically just a wrapper to the triggerEvent() function, but takes care to set a property ‘xy’ on the event with the current mouse position.
{OpenLayers.Handler} null
Construct a handler.
hasClass: function(element,
Tests if an element has the given CSS class name.
Class for creating, reading, and deleting Cookies in JSON format.
Contains Hash Prototypes.
hasSelection: function()
returns true if any map has a selection
{Integer} the height of the container, cached for speed
hide: function()
hide the colour panel
hide: function()
Closes the flyout if open
hide : function()
hide the dialog, external code should use the Jx.Dialog::close method to hide the dialog.
hide: function(e)
Hide the menu.
hide: function()
Hide the menu item.
Hide the menu item.
hide: function()
Hide the sub menu
hide: function()
Makes the popup invisible.
hide: function()
Hide the tile.
hide: function()
Hide the tile by hiding its frame.
hideChrome: function()
removes the chrome from the DOM.
horizontalResize: function()
Resize a horizontally layed-out container
Construct a hover handler.
{OpenLayers.Icon} The icon used by this marker.
Creates an icon, which is an image tag in a div.
{String} A unique identifier for this geometry.
{String} Unique identifier for the map
{String} the unique identifier assigned to this popup.
{String} A unique id for this session.
{String} null
Constructor for a new OpenLayers.Tile.Image instance.
{Integer} How many times should we try to reload an image before giving up? 
{OpenLayers.Pixel} For layers with a gutter, the image offset represents displacement due to the gutter.
{DOMElement} The div element which wraps the image.
{String} Default is ‘’.
importSymbol: function (graphicName)
add a new symbol definition from the rendererer’s symbol hash
importSymbol: function (graphicName)
add a new symbol definition from the rendererer’s symbol hash
{Object} Constant inches per unit -- borrowed from MapServer mapscale.c derivation of nautical miles from Includes the full set of units supported by CS-MAP ( and PROJ.4 ( The hardcoded table is maintain in a CS-MAP source code module named CSdataU.c The hardcoded table of PROJ.4 units are in pj_units.c.
{OpenLayers.ElementIndexer} An instance of OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer created upon initialization if the zIndexing or yOrdering options passed to this renderer’s constructor are set to true.
OpenLayers.Util.indexOf = function(array,
Seems to exist already in FF, but not in MOZ.
{Object} This is a hash that maps node ids to their z-index value stored in the indexer.
inflate: function(inflate)
Englarges the markers icon by the specified ratio.
initialize : function(options)
Initialize the Fusion application.
initialize: function(options)
construct a new instance of a flyout button.
initImgDiv: function()
Creates the imgDiv property on the tile.
initMercatorParameters: function()
Set up the mercator parameters on the layer: resolutions, projection, units.
initResolutions: function()
This method’s responsibility is to set up the ‘resolutions’ array for the layer -- this array is what the layer will use to interface between the zoom levels of the map and the resolution display of the layer.
initResolutions: function()
Populate the resolutions array
initSingleTile: function(bounds)
{Boolean} The current map resolution is within the layer’s min/max range.
insert : function(node,
insert a node after refNode.
insertBefore: function(newItem,
Insert a menu item before another menu item.
{Integer} The number of milliseconds that should ellapse before panning the map again.
{Integer} In order to increase performance, an interval (in milliseconds) can be set to reduce the number of drag events called.
{int} Interval id returned by window.setInterval
{int} Interval in milliseconds between 2 steps
inValidRange: function(x,
See #669 for more information
{int} The number of results per page for pagination.
isActive: function()
For toggle buttons, this returns true if the toggle button is currently active and false otherwise.
isActive: function()
Indicate if this sub menu is active
When a toolbar contains Jx.Menu instances, they want to know if any menu in the toolbar is active and this is how they find out.
{Boolean} Is this tile a back buffer tile?
{Boolean} EventPaned layers are always base layers, by necessity.
This function returns a boolean value to indicate if a given cell is editable by the user.
isComplexSymbol: function(graphicName)
Determines if a symbol cannot be rendered using drawCircle
isEnabled: function()
This returns true if the button is enabled, false otherwise
OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl = function(url1,
Test two URLs for equivalence.
{Boolean} Is this the first time the tile is being drawn? 
isLastNode : function(node)
Indicates if a node is the last thing in the folder.
isLeftClick: function(event)
Determine whether event was caused by a left click.
{Boolean} Is the tile loading?
isRightClick: function(event)
Determine whether event was caused by a right mouse click.
isSuitableOverview: function()
Determines if the overview map is suitable given the extent and resolution of the main map.
isValidLonLat: function(lonlat)
isValidZoomLevel: function(zoomLevel)
Create a new instance of Jx.Menu.Item
Create a new instance of Jx.Toolbar.Item.
{Array} the items in this menu
{Array} the menu items that are in this sub menu.
{Array} an array of the things in the toolbar.