Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 _complete, OpenLayers. Ajax. Request
 {Array}searchCategories, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 {Array}searchDefinitions, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 {HTMLElement}blanket, Jx. Dialog
 {HTMLElement}domObj, Jx. ColorPalette
 {Object}domObj, Jx. Addable
 {Object}oBroker, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 {String}baseURL, Jx
 activeRequestCount, OpenLayers.Ajax
 aiCurrentIndex, Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel. SelectionRenderer
 allowSelection, OpenLayers. Control
 alpha, OpenLayers. Layer
 alphaHackNeeded, Util
 angle, OpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygon
 backBufferTile, OpenLayers. Tile. Image
 backgroundColor, OpenLayers. Popup
 bars, Jx. Splitter
 bIncludeVisToggle, Fusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRendererDefault
 bIsDrawn, Fusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRendererDefault
 border, OpenLayers. Popup
 bottom, OpenLayers. Bounds
 boxCharacteristics, OpenLayers. Handler.Box
 button, Jx.Menu
 Button>}activeButton, Jx. Button. Multi.{<Jx
 calculateOffset, OpenLayers.Icon
 canvas, OpenLayers. Renderer. Canvas
 center, OpenLayers.Map
 centerLonLat, OpenLayers. Bounds
 chrome, Jx. Chrome
 clickoutTolerance, OpenLayers. Handler. Feature
 closeDiv, OpenLayers. Popup
 code, OpenLayers.Lang
 compare, OpenLayers. ElementsIndexer
 container, OpenLayers. Renderer
 contentDisplayClass, OpenLayers. Popup
 contentDiv, OpenLayers. Popup
 contentHTML, OpenLayers. Popup
 contentIsLoaded, Jx. ContentLoader
 contentSize, OpenLayers. Popup
 controls, OpenLayers.Map
 currentNode, Fusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRendererDefault
 currentSelection, Jx. Button. Combo
 data, OpenLayers. Feature
 decimalSeparator, OpenLayers. Number
 defaultSize, OpenLayers. Layer. MapGuide
 defaultStyle, OpenLayers. Style
 displaySystem, OpenLayers. Control. Measure
 displaySystemUnits, OpenLayers. Control. Measure
 dragHandler, OpenLayers. Handler.Box
 dragObject, OpenLayers. Layer. Google
 dragPan, OpenLayers. Control. Navigation
 drawing, OpenLayers. Handler. Point
 elements, Jx. Splitter
 elseFilter, OpenLayers.Rule
 eventHandler, OpenLayers. Events
 EVENTMAP, OpenLayers. Handler. Feature
 Events, OpenLayers. Ajax. Request
 eventTypes, OpenLayers. Events
 evt, OpenLayers. Handler
 extendDefault, OpenLayers. StyleMap
 extent, OpenLayers. Renderer
{String} Relative path of this script.
{String} Relative path of this script.
An array of search categories
An array of search definitions
modal dialogs prevent interaction with the rest of the application while they are open, this element is displayed just under the dialog to prevent the user from clicking anything.
the HTML element representing the color panel
the HTML element that is inserted into the DOM for this button.
A Broker object that can communicate with a MapGuide instance in the case we are running against a MapGuide server
This is the URL that Jx was loaded from, it is automatically calculated from the script tag src property that included Jx.
{Boolean} The control is active.
{Array(int)} The index of the current position for pagination.
{Boolean} By deafault, controls do not allow selection, because it may interfere with map dragging.
{Boolean} The layer’s images have an alpha channel.
{Boolean} true if the png alpha hack is necessary and possible, false otherwise.
{Float} The angle from the origin (mouse down) to the current mouse position, in radians.
{OpenLayers.Tile} A clone of the tile used to create transition effects when the tile is moved or changes resolution.
{String} the background color used by the popup.
{Array} an array of the bars between each of the elements used to resize the split areas.
{Boolean} Determine if non-visible layer must be draw in the legend.
{Boolean} Determine if the map is drawn.
{String} the border size of the popup.
{Number} Minimum vertical coordinate.
{OpenLayers.Bounds} The bounds of this geometry
{Object} Caches some box characteristics from css.
{Jx.Button} The button that represents this menu in a toolbar and opens the menu.
the currently selected button
{Array} the buttons added to this multi button
{Array} array of buttons that are managed by this button set
{Array(DOMElement)} Array of Button Divs
{OpenLayers.Pixel} Function to calculate the offset (based on the size)
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handler for callback
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handler for callback
{Canvas} The canvas context object.
{OpenLayers.LonLat} The current center of the map
{OpenLayers.LonLat} A cached center location.
the DOM element that contains the chrome
{Number} The number of pixels the mouse can move during a click that still constitutes a click out.
{DOMElement} the optional closer image
{String} Current language code to use in OpenLayers.
{Function} This is the function used to determine placement of of a new node within the indexer.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
the HTML element that contains the flyout content
{HTMLElement} The content area that is displayed when the tab is active.
{String} The CSS class of the popup content div.
{DOMElement} a reference to the element that holds the content of the div.
{String} An HTML string for this popup to display.
tracks the load state of the content, specifically useful in the case of remote content.
{OpenLayers.Size} the width and height of the content.
{Object} An optional object with properties that the rule should be evaluated against.
{Object} An optional object with properties that symbolizers’ property values should be evaluated against.
{Array(OpenLayers.Control)} List of controls associated with the map.
{Jx.TreeNode} The current selected node.
{Object} current selection in the list
Decimal separator to use when formatting numbers.
{OpenLayers.Size} Tile size as produced by MapGuide server
{Object} hash of style properties to use as default for merging rule-based style symbolizers onto.
{String} Description of this rule (set if abstract is included in SLD)
{String} Description of this style (set if abstract is included in SLD)
{string} This property is used for CSS related to the drawing of the Control.
{String} The CSS class of the popup.
{String} Display system for output measurements.
{Object} Units for various measurement systems.
{DOMElement} the div that contains this popup.
{HTMLElement} The HTML element containing the menu.
{HTMLElement} the HTML element that the separator is contained within
{HTMLElement} the element being split
{HTMLElement} The HTML element that represents this tab set in the DOM.
{HTMLElement} the HTML element that the toolbar lives in
{HTMLElement} the HTML element that the container lives in
{HTMLElement} an element to contain the thing to be placed in the toolbar.
{HTMLElement} The DOM element that goes in the Jx.Toolbar
{HTMLElement} a reference to the HTML element that is the TreeItem in the DOM
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The pixel location of the last mousedown.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The location of the last mousedown.
{Boolean} The map is currently being dragged.
{GDraggableObject} Since 2.93, Google has exposed the ability to get the maps GDraggableObject.
{Boolean} A point is being drawn
{Boolean} internal state of drawing.
{Boolean} Whether the Vector Layer features have been drawn yet.
{HTMLElement} An element of the Jx.Splitter that gets controlled by this snap
{DOMElement} The DOM element that contains the overview map
{DOMElement} the DOM element receiving browser events
{Array} an array of elements that are displayed in each of the split areas
{Boolean} Determines whether this rule is only to be applied only if no other rules match (ElseFilter according to the SLD specification).
{Function} bound event handler attached to elements
{Object} A object mapping the browser events to objects with callback keys for in and out.
{OpenLayers.Events} Events instance for triggering control specific events.
{OpenLayers.Events} the event handler.
{OpenLayers.Events} custom event manager
{Array(String)} list of support application events
{Event} This property references the last event handled by the handler.
{Boolean} if true, every render intent will extend the symbolizers specified for the “default” intent at rendering time.