Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 padding, OpenLayers. Popup
 paddingForPopups, OpenLayers.Map
 pane, OpenLayers. Layer. EventPane
 panels, Jx. PanelSet
 panMethod, OpenLayers.Map
 panned, OpenLayers. Control. DragPan
 panRatio, OpenLayers.Map
 panTween, OpenLayers.Map
 params, OpenLayers. Layer. HTTPRequest
 parent, OpenLayers. Geometry
 playing, OpenLayers. Tween
 point, OpenLayers. Handler. Point
 popup, OpenLayers. Feature
 popups, OpenLayers.Map
 previousIcon, Fusion. Widget. SelectionPanel
 proj, OpenLayers. Projection
 projCode, OpenLayers. Projection
 propertyStyles, OpenLayers. Style
 protocol, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 renderer, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 rendererRoot, OpenLayers. Renderer. Elements
 renderers, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 renderIntent, OpenLayers. Feature. Vector
 reproject, OpenLayers. Layer.WMS
 resolutionFactor, OpenLayers. Control. OverviewMap
 responders, OpenLayers. Ajax. Responders
 right, OpenLayers. Bounds
 rightclickTimerId, OpenLayers. Handler. Click
 rounded, OpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredBubble
 rules, OpenLayers. Style
 selectedFeatures, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 showRootFolder, Fusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRendererDefault
 snap, Jx. Splitter.Snap
 splitter, Jx. Splitter.Snap
 start, OpenLayers. Handler.Drag
 started, OpenLayers. Handler.Drag
 state, OpenLayers. Feature. Vector
 status, OpenLayers. Ajax. Response
 statusText, OpenLayers. Ajax. Response
 stopClick, OpenLayers. Handler. Feature
 stopUp, OpenLayers. Handler. Feature
 strategies, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 styleMap, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 styles, OpenLayers. StyleMap
 symbolCache, OpenLayers. Renderer.VML
 symbolizer, OpenLayers.Rule
 symbolSize, OpenLayers. Renderer.SVG
 tabBar, Jx. TabBox
 tabs, Jx. TabSet
 tabSet, Jx. TabBox
 targetFolder, Fusion. Widget. Legend. LegendRendererDefault
 thousandsSeparator, OpenLayers. Number
 time, OpenLayers. Tween
 timeoutId, OpenLayers. Handler.Drag
 top, OpenLayers. Bounds
 transforms, OpenLayers. Projection
 translationParameters, OpenLayers. Renderer.SVG
 unrenderedFeatures, OpenLayers. Layer. Vector
 up, OpenLayers. Handler. Feature
 viewPortDiv, OpenLayers.Map
 viewRequestID, OpenLayers.Map
 visibleItem, Jx. Menu. SubMenu
 wheelListener, OpenLayers. Handler. MouseWheel
 widgetSets, Fusion. Lib. ApplicationDefinition
 xlinkns, OpenLayers. Renderer.SVG
 zoom, OpenLayers.Map
 zoomBox, OpenLayers. Control. Navigation
{int or OpenLayers.Bounds} An extra opportunity to specify internal padding of the content div inside the popup.
{OpenLayers.Bounds} Outside margin of the popup.
{DOMElement} A reference to the element that controls the events.
{Array} the panels being managed by the set
{Function} The Easing function to be used for tweening.
{Boolean} The map moved.
{Float} The ratio of the current extent within which panning will tween.
{OpenLayers.Tween} Animated panning tween object, see panTo()
{Object} Hashtable of key/value parameters
{OpenLayers.Geometry}This is set when a Geometry is added as component of another geometry
{Boolean} Tells if the easing is currently playing
{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The currently drawn point
{Array(OpenLayers.Popup)} List of popups associated with the map
{OpenLayers.Pixel} Top Left pixel of the tile
{String} The default image for Previous page button.
{Object} Proj4js.Proj instance.
{Hash of Boolean} cache of style properties that need to be parsed for propertyNames.
{OpenLayers.Protocol} Optional protocol for the layer.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The location of the last mousemove, expressed in pixels.
{Array(String)} List of supported Renderer classes.
{String} rendering intent currently being used
{Float} The resolution of the map.
{Float} cache of current map resolution
{Number} Maximum horizontal coordinate.
{Number} The id of the right mouse timeout waiting to clear the delayedEvent.
{DOMElement} root element of canvas.
{Boolean} Has the popup been rounded yet?
{Boolean} This controls whether the tree will have a single root node that contains the name of the map as its label.
{OpenLayers.Size} Size of the main div (this.div)
{OpenLayers.Size} the width and height of the popup.
{OpenLayers.Size} null
{HTMLElement} the DOM element of the snap (the thing that gets clicked).
{Jx.Splitter} the splitter that this snap is associated with.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The first pixel location of the drag.
{Boolean} When a mousedown event is received, we want to record it, but not set ‘dragging’ until the mouse moves after starting.
{Boolean} If stopClick is set to true, handled clicks do not propagate to other click listeners.
{Boolean} Stop propagation of mousedown events from getting to listeners on the same element.
{Boolean} If stopDown is set to true, handled mousedowns do not propagate to other mousedown listeners.
{Boolean} If stopUp is set to true, handled mouseups do not propagate to other mouseup listeners.
{Array(OpenLayers.Strategy})} Optional list of strategies for the layer.
Hash of {OpenLayers.Style}, keyed by names of well known rendering intents (e.g.
{HTMLElement} the HTML element that contains the menu items within the menu.
{HTMLElement} the HTML container for the sub menu.
{HTMLElement} an HTML container for the things inside the folder
{Array} An immutable (that means don’t change it!)
{DOMElement} node holding symbols.
{Object} Symbolizer or hash of symbolizers for this rule.
{Object} Cache for symbol sizes according to their svg coordinate space
{Jx.Toolbar} the toolbar for this tab box.
{Array} array of tabs that are managed by this tab set
{Jx.TabSet} the tab set for this tab box.
{Jx.TreeFolder} The current TreeFolder that the mouse will interact with.
Thousands separator to use when formatting numbers.
{int} Step counter
{String} The id of the timeout used for the mousedown interval.
{Number} The id of the timeout waiting to clear the delayedCall.
{Number} The id of the timer.
{string} This property is used for showing a tooltip over the Control.
{String} Title of this rule (set if included in SLD)
{String} Title of this style (set if included in SLD)
{Number} Maximum vertical coordinate.
Transforms is an object, with from properties, each of which may have a to property.
{Object} Hash with “x” and “y” properties
{OpenLayers.Control.TYPES} Controls can have a ‘type’.
{Object} hash of features, keyed by, that the renderer failed to draw
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The location of the last mouseup.
{String} image url
{Array(String) or String} This is either an array of url strings or a single url string.
{String} url of the request.
{String} The URL of the image being requested.
{HTMLDivElement} The element that represents the map viewport
{String} Used to store a unique identifier that changes when the map view changes.
{Jx.MenuItem} the visible item within the menu
array of widget sets (each one corresponding to a map) parsed from the ApplicationDefinition.
{String} XML Namespace URN
{Integer} The current zoom level of the map